Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall –

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Seit einigen Jahren hat uns – –  das „Nordfieber“ gepackt und unsere neue & zweite Heimat ist Island – und das fantastische ist das wir dabei sogar „reisen & arbeiten“ mit einander verbinden können, dies auch durch unsere Kooperation mit Island Tours Schweiz & Pink Iceland, was für ein Traum:))

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Anfang Juli durften wir die intime Hochzeit von J. & A. an der
Games of Thrones shooting location – Hjalparfossar im Süden Islands fotografisch begleiten bei grandiosem Sommer Wetter – nein in Island regnet es nicht nur, Island kann auch ganz anders und hat sich bei unserem gesamtem Trip nur von seiner absolut besten Seite gezeigt :))

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

J. & A. sind auch mit dem „Nordfieber“ infiziert und ihre zivile (standesamtliche) Hochzeit in Island mit ihren engsten Familienmitgliedern und Freunden stand ganz oben auf ihrer „Bucketliste“. Ja in Island kann man rechtverbindliche & legal seine standesamtliche Hochzeit vollziehen:))

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Als Hochzeitslocation hatten sich die beiden einen der unzähligen Wasserfälle Islands ausgesucht wobei der Hjalparfossar auf den letztendlich ihre Wahl fiel ein ganz besonderer Wasserfall ist nämlich einen Doppelwasserfall – aus zwei Wasserströmen wird einer – diese Symbolic passt natürlich hervoragend zu einer Hochzeit.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Der Fluss Fossá í Þjórsárdal stürzt hier zwischen Basaltsäulen in zwei Arme gespalten etwa 9 m in die Tiefe.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Zudem ist der Hjalparfossar noch eine „Games of thrones“ shooting location und ist am Anfang des südlichen Hochlandes an der berühmten Hochlandpiste „Sprengisandur“ zu finden, gut 2 Stunde Autofahrt von Islands Hauptstadt Reykjavik entfernt.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Die Hochzeitsgäste und unser Brautpaar starten den Hochzeitstag von Reykjavik aus, wo sie auch übernachteten. Das Brautpaar hatte extra einen Bus (mit WC) gemietet für die Fahrt von und nach Reykjavik und auch für den Aufenthalt am Wasserfall weil dort „in the middle of nowhere“ ist verständlicherweise keinerlei Infrastruktur zu finden.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Am Hjalparfossar hat es seit einiger Zeit eine kleine Aussichts-Holzplattform welche sich sehr gut für die Durchführung einer Zeremonie eignet.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Die kleine und überschaubare Schar an Hochzeitsgästen unseres Paares versammelte sich dort, nahm einen kleinen mitgebrachten Hochzeitsapero ein, während sich die Braut im Bus noch für die Trauung stylte und ihr Brautkleid anlegte.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Zudem zeigte sich das isländische Wetter sich von seiner absolut grandiosen Seite, es blieb unüblich den ganzen Tag lang trocken und recht warm, es war fast schon kitschig und zu schön nur ab und zu zeigten sich ein paar Wolken und man konnte erahnen das Island auch anders kann.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Das „getting ready“ fand also im Reisebus statt bei etwas engen Platzverhänissen aber mit Panorama-Fenstern durch welche die Landschaft Islands hereinstach.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall

Ihr Einzug führte die Braut dann über einen Steinpfad durch die grandiose Landschaft Islands bis zum Fuss des Wasserfalls an welchem ihr Bräutigam, die Traurednerin und die Hochzeitsgesellschaft bereits auf sie wartete.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captures by icelandelopementweddings

Die Trauzeremonie mit der ganz persönlichen Liebesgeschichte des Brautpaares und ihren eigens selberverfassten Ehegelübden untermalt vom Rauschen des Wasserfalls als Hintergrundmusik war für alle Beteiligten ein absolut einmaliges Erlebnis.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

Nach der Zeremonie genossen die Hochzeitsgäste noch eine ganze Weile die Natur während wir die direkte Umgebung des Wasserfalls zusammen mit dem Brautpaar für Brautpaarfotos nutzten bevor sich die Hochzeitsgesellschaft auf die Rückfahrt nach Reykjavik machte für das abendliche Hochzeitsdinner im Perlan.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

For some years the „Nordfieber“ has packed us and our new and second home is Iceland – and the fantastic thing is that we can even combine „traveling & working“ with each other, also through our cooperation with Iceland Tours Switzerland & Pink Iceland, what a dream:))

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captures by icelandelopementweddings

At the beginning of July we were booked to capture the intimate wedding of J. & A. at the Games of Thrones shooting location – Hjalparfossar in the south of Iceland with great summer weather – no, Iceland not only means rainy days, Iceland weather can be quite nice too and has shown only the best of its kind on our whole summer trip:))

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

J. & A. are also infected with the „Northern Fever“ and their civil wedding in Iceland with their closest family members and friends was at the top of their „bucket list“. As their wedding location, the two had chosen one of the countless waterfalls in Iceland where the Hjalparfossar which they finally chose is a very special waterfall as its a double waterfall – two streams of water become one – this symbolic, of course, suits a wedding perfectly.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

The river Fossá í Þjórsárdal crashes here between basalt columns split into two arms about 9 m in depth. In addition, the Hjalparfossar is still a „Games of thrones“ shooting location and can be found at the beginning of the southern highlands on the famous highland runway „Sprengisandur“, just over 2 hours drive from Iceland’s capital Reykjavik.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

The wedding guests and our bridal couple started their wedding day in Reykjavik, where they stayed overnight. The bride and groom had rented a bus (with toilet) for the trip to and from Reykjavik and also for the stay at the waterfall because understandably there is no infrastructure to be found in the middle of nowhere.

At Hjalparfossar there has been a small wooden viewing platform established for some time now which is very suitable for a ceremony.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

The small and manageable crowd of wedding guests of our couple gathered there, took a small wedding reception, while the bride did her getting ready in the bus for their wedding ceremony and put on her wedding dress.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

In addition, the icelandic weather was from its absolutely terrific side, it was unusually dry and quite warm all day long, it was almost cheesy and only a few clouds showed up and you could guess the icelandic weather can also be quite different.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

The „getting ready“ took place in a bus with only limited space inside but with panoramic windows through which the landscape of Iceland came in.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

Her arrival and “walk over the aisle” led the bride then over a stone path through the magnificent landscape of Iceland to the foot of the waterfall on which her groom, the wedding officiant and the wedding party was already waiting for them.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

The wedding ceremony with the very personal love story of the bridal couple and their own self-proclaimed wedding vows accompanied by the rushing of the waterfall as background music was an absolutely unique experience for all those involved.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

After the ceremony, the wedding guests enjoyed the nature for a while while we used the direct surroundings of the waterfall together with the bride and groom for bridal couple photos before the wedding party headed back to Reykjavik for the evening wedding dinner in Perlan.

Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall capturds by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captures by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captures by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall capturesdby icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings
Intimate wedding in Iceland at games of thrones waterfall captured by icelandelopementweddings

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